Positive thinking can improve your overall well-being. Spending time with loved ones, practicing gratitude, and getting adequate sleep can help you get started.
So, lets begin with my practice at Evolve. I offer medication management as well as therapy which is routine for the mental health prescribers. What I offer to my practice beyond this is “integrative mental health care”. I know integrative seems like a buzz word lately, but let me share with you what this means to me and our setting.
Integrative care combines traditional and non-traditional approaches to support your whole person, offering individualized care tailored to your needs.
Understanding Integrative Care
Integrative is combining traditional or Western medicine/care (medications and therapy) for mental health and complementary or Eastern medicine/care (mediation and yoga for example). The difference between complementary and alternative medicine/care is that complementary combines or adds this care onto traditional care and alternative just uses the non-traditional or Eastern medicine/care alone. The use of integrative care (combining traditional and non-traditional together) results in care for a whole person and individualized care depending on you. It truly is amazing to watch as you are able to find yourself now and walk into the best you!!

Personalized Self-Care
I use different options that you would find of benefit from medications to meditation all with a self-care focus. Oh, and don’t forget yoga. You will be able to “take it to the mat” if you choose whether that be just breath work, chair, standing or floor yoga. When you are done, you “leave it on the mat” to continue on with your day.
This is all up to YOU as it is your care directed by you with options from me (guidance). This is a partnership for us!
Here is a website which provides more information related to the above if interested.
I will be adding in new items on various topics routine so remember to check back for updates!!
~Namaste (the light within me honors the light within you) ~
The Meaning of Namaste
“Namaste” is a Sanskrit word that acknowledges the inestimable value of each individual. It is often used to greet and honor others. Translation: “As I acknowledge and honor the Spirit within myself, so do I acknowledge and honor the Spirit within you.”