Winter can make it challenging to find fresh, nutritious produce—especially in North Dakota! But with a little planning, you can still maintain a colorful and balanced diet. Opt for in-season fruits and vegetables when possible, explore frozen options for out-of-season favorites, and prioritize whole foods with minimal additives. Eating a variety of colors benefits both …
Well, winter has been upon us off and on this winter. What an up and down ride with our temperatures this year!!
Fresh is Always Best
In the winter, it is harder to obtain the fruits and vegetables for our nutrition, especially in ND. With this in mind, I thought providing some information may be of benefit to help with options.
So, fresh is always best (when it is in season). It can be more expensive, but somewhat less if we are buying items that are in season as the supply is available. We are being offered items that are not in season which do not taste the best nor have as good of nutrition as those in season and cost more due to thinking this is what we want to buy/eat.

What can we do??
First find a good source of in season items related to fruit and vegetables to have as a resource. These items are of better quality when they are in their traditional growing season.
Here is a source by the USDA:
This can provide some fresh options for you according to their growing season.
What are my Options?
So, what if I want to eat something that is not in the season? What are my options?
Ideally, eat in season. There are several options from the different colors to eat in a season. However, you can look at frozen options which are frozen as they are picked.
When looking at the most nutritious options, start with fresh as able, then frozen and lastly anything canned. When looking at canned items, check the ingredients to determine what has been put in the can with the item. The least amount of ingredients the best.
We will in the future complete a blog on canned ingredient lists, which are being more user friendly now. For a quick take home, the most important items to note on these lists thou is look for the least amount of ingredients, and the ones you can pronounce. Limit added sugars including non-calorie ones.
I did state something about color above. It is ideal for us to try to eat as many different colors as able daily. This is good for your overall mental and physical health and can even extend your life!!
Here is a resource which goes into this in more detail on eating related to color options.
So Remember...
In the winter, it is harder to obtain some produce we are used to eating, but try different fruits and vegetables which are in season or frozen if out of season.
Eat different color options to add into you overall health and well being and don’t be afraid to try something new. Just look up different ways to cook items that are new to you. I love steamed Brussel sprouts with a little seasoning on them which I did not know until this year.
Oh and sharing a link to fruit truck which brings fresh produce to ND. I am looking forward to the strawberries!!! Sign up and you will get updates from them.
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The Meaning of Namaste
“Namaste” is a Sanskrit word that acknowledges the inestimable value of each individual. It is often used to greet and honor others. Translation: “As I acknowledge and honor the Spirit within myself, so do I acknowledge and honor the Spirit within you.”